Home > Wow, thank you and a BIG hurdle jumped

Wow, thank you and a BIG hurdle jumped

June 3rd, 2008 at 08:50 am

Wow, to start off I am surprised that people actually read this. I didn't think anyone would! lol. So thank you all for the warm welcome and well wishes. I am still surfing this website and look forward to reading other people's blogs as well.

My DH and I are gonna make our (his) final payment to a credit lawyer so another $100/mo will be freed up and we can finally start paying my parents for the car they "sold" us back in February. (Side story) DH got into an accident and totalled his car. They were looking to buy a new car but not that early.
They have been really patient and we are very appreciative of that.

My oldest daughter had her assessment results from Sylvan done today and I was almost in tears when they laid out the tuition cost. A whopping $9000 for 206 hours of tutoring. I talked to DH about it and he thinks we should wait on it for now. I know where he is coming from. We need to have a home and food and that may push us over the edge. My concern is that she is going into the 7th grade and she will fall further behind. We are looking for private tutors. We found one that will do it on a sliding scale and/or a possible trade. Since I do graphic design maybe there is an opportunity there. My daughter is not thrilled about learning this summer. We said we would try out for a week with her reading 20 minutes and day and her telling us what she read. we'll see how her attitude is then make a decision on a tutor.

5 Responses to “Wow, thank you and a BIG hurdle jumped”

  1. managinglife Says:

    Have you checked the local colleges or schools in your area for a tutor? There are many qualified teachers and students looking to make some extra money tutoring children during the summer. Check your local websites, newspapers, schools or community center billboards for advertisements.

  2. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Some libraries offer tutoring in house and on line as well.
    What area is she having trouble in?? You have several teachers on here that may offer some ideas.

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    That's $43 an hour! Surely you can find a private tutor who would charge less. I'm skeptical of Sylvan -- too corporate for me.

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    If reading is her sore point and she has never been a daily reader, then she might not need a tutor for that. I have seen children jumps much as three grade levels in two months just by reading daily. And reading speed really picks up. To the grown-ups, it looks quite miraculous when it happens! If she needs help on the real basics of reading, a tutor could help her with that. Then she could go on to her daily reading. Sometimes a kid just needs a little one-on-one when they are quite capable but missed out on fundamentals for one reason or another and then avoided reading at all costs.

  5. KellyB Says:

    I would also suggest local colleges/high schools for students who could tutor, and since it's summer, there's many teachers looking for part time work. They would be much cheaper than Sylvan. I used Sylvan for my son in 7th grade Math, then I found a college student to tutor him in Math and English on an as needed basis. It has worked out very well, although the tutor graduated this year so I'll need to find someone new for the last 2 high school years. Hopefully my son has learned enough that he won't need a tutor, but it would probably help him stay on track...

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